Friday, May 29, 2009

Found Art: We are Children of the Apple Generation

My group's theme is how the invention of personal computer (mainly Apple) impacted American heritage, lifestyle, and culture from 1970 to 1990. During the early 1900's, computers were used by soldiers to detect missiles and submarines. The introduction of the microprocessor, a small chip, made personal computers affordable for average Americn citizens in 1975.  During the late 1970's, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the co-founders of Apple Computers, sold the Apple I and Apple II. During the 1980's, computers were developed mainly for household use, such as programming and games.  
The three boxes we made are replicas of Apple I, II and III, with displays, keyboards, and a list of key features.  On all the boxes, we put pictures of Wozniak and Jobs, articles, advertisements, and sticker a sticker of Apple icon.  Since Apple II had more features than Apple I, box II contains a floppy disc and CD.  Box III is the smallest and it contains a floppy disc, cord and mouse.  
We obtained articles, pictures, a list of key features, and advertisements from the Internet.  We used shoe boxes to make keyboards for Apple I and III and a plastic box to make a mouse.  I brought an old floppy disc, cord, and CD from home.  
If I had to do this again, I would try to make boxes that would be very similar to the actual Apple computers.  To do so, I would have to find more boxes and pay attention to the little details.  
To next year's class, I would recommend having an effective communication between group members by making sure to check the e-mail often.  By doing so, members can update information quickly and send out important reminders.  I would also recommend to start making the boxes early.  Since there is a two week gap between the fourth deadline (layout) and the last deadline (boxes), it is very easy to not start making the boxes early, even though that is the most time consuming part of the project.